Wednesday: Making the Most of the Time
“Be careful then how you live . . . making the most of the time . . .”
Photo by Taylor Wright on Unsplash
My mother seldom wasted time. When she had to wait for something, she read or crocheted or played the piano.
In this reading, Paul admonishes the Ephesians, and us, to make the most of the available time. We have the opportunity during Advent to grow spiritually. We can set aside time to read again one of the Gospels. Hymnbooks contain more Advent songs than ever before. Read the words of those available to you, pondering the meaning. One of my favorite activities is the re-reading of one of the books of Christmas Stories which are familiar from childhood. New collections are available every year. Countless opportunities are available for giving to persons with special needs through food, gifts, or time.
We often complain that Advent and Christmas have been taken over by secular interests. If we are waiting with hope, we cannot waste this time. Let's do something positive. In succeeding days we will consider some tangible ways of making this a period of developing faith.
For Reflection: What am I doing to make the most of my spiritual opportunities during Advent?
A Prayer Seed:
A charge to keep I have,
A God to glorify,
A never-dying soul to save,
And fit it for the sky.
Charles Wesley, 1762