Ash Wednesday
“Sackcloth and ashes are an ancient sign of repentance as the direction of life is changed from self toward God.”
Seek good and not evil, that you may live.
(Amos 5:14a NRSV)
What is Lent?
“Lent is a time to hold firm, to learn, to follow, and to grow. No practice, whether adding or subtracting, which does not further these goals should be observed during Lent.”
We are his house if we hold firm the confidence and the pride that belong to hope.
(Hebrews 3:6b NRSV)
Personal Responsibility
“God’s message is not one of doom and gloom. It is a message of life and love and hope.”
It is only the person who sins that shall die.
(Ezekiel 18:4b NRSV)