Daniel Speaks About…

About Peer Pressure
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About Peer Pressure

The important point in this story is not the inevitability of temptations to water down our faith. It is the response of the young men to the offer of favor and promotion.

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About True Wisdom
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About True Wisdom

Only God, “whose dwelling is not with mortals,” can provide the insights and guidance which are required for productive lives.

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About Prayer
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About Prayer

Perhaps our prayer life would be more satisfying if we were clearer in expressing our needs.

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About Fiery Furnaces
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About Fiery Furnaces

We, too, can trust that God will be with us in the difficult and frightening experiences of life. When we lose our way, God. is there to guide. When fear strikes us, God protects. In moments of temptation God strengthens.

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About Power
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About Power

God gave men and women dominion over the created world. People, especially those in positions of power, mistake dominion for domination.

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About Self-Importance
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About Self-Importance

We all need each other, and we all need God in order to achieve what we have been called to do. There are no “self-made” people.

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About Pride
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About Pride

Pride gives us a false sense of security. We believe ourselves so clever that we will avoid all problems. Pride and arrogance are not proper attitudes with which to approach God.

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About Deliverance
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About Deliverance

We need to be saved from the power of evil, from the bondage of habits, from fear and doubt. To receive deliverance from whatever enslaves us, we must confess our need for help. The God who delivered Daniel is still active today, and will answer our prayers.

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