Friday: A King

Look, your king is coming to you . . .
— Matthew 21:5

Although our country has not had a king for over two hundred years, we are still fascinated by royalty. People are willing to drive many miles and line the streets to catch a glimpse of a king or queen.

The prophet, Zechariah, had prophesied concerning the coming of Israel's long-awaited Messiah, successor to King David. Most kings came on white horses arrayed with emblems of power. Zechariah's king would come riding a more humble animal, a sign of peace. Jesus was greeted by a welcoming crowd. They shouted, "Hosanna, save us now."

Church tradition calls for this passage to be read near the first Sunday of Advent, as well as on Palm Sunday. Our King of glory is coming to receive first a crown of thorns, then later a golden diadem. This King is to be crucified first, and only then universally acclaimed.

Only after the events of Holy Week did the true nature of Jesus, the eternal King, become apparent. We have the advantage of knowing the true worth of the One we welcome on Christmas Day.

For Reflection: Are we ready to receive a King?

A Prayer Seed:

Life up your heads, ye mighty gates,
Behold, the King of Glory waits;
The King of Kings is drawing near;
The Savior of the world is here!
George Weissel, 1642


Thursday: A Savior


Saturday: The Word