Monday: A Baby

She will bear a son...
— Matthew 1:21

If you have ever anticipated the birth of a baby, you know there are many preparations to make. One of these is the provision of a nursery, a space exclusively for the new arrival.

Advent is our opportunity to prepare for the coming again of the world's most important baby. We need to create space in our hearts for this special child, both human and divine. We may need to throw out some old furniture or clear out the junk rooms of our lives.

Another preparation is the selection of a name. In Hebrew families, it was the privilege of the father to choose the name. Matthew tells us that an angel of the Lord told Joseph what to name this baby. The names, Jesus and Joshua, mean "Jehovah is salvation." The great leader who succeeded Moses and a high priest of Israel had already shared this name. The mission for the special baby in clear. "He will save his people from their sins."

Advent, then is a time for reordering priorities, for creating space for God's coming. It is also an opportunity to consider the importance of a name, Jesus. Take time to think about these things.

For Reflection: What does the name 'Jesus' mean to me?

A Prayer Seed:

Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child,
Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled
Within my heart, that it may be
A quiet chamber kept for Thee.
Martin Luther, 1535


Sunday: Getting Ready


Tuesday: The Prince of Peace