
Listen! Your sentinels lift up their voices, together they sing for joy.”
— Isaiah 52:8 (NRSV)

This verse from Isaiah depicts God's coming to Jerusalem. It can also be seen as a description of God's coming into our lives. Christ has won the victory over sin and death. Chaos is overcome. Beauty, peace, and joy are the results of this good news.

Singing may also be the response of one who has received a new chance in life. Perhaps people are singing because cries for help or prayers for relief have been answered by our gifts. Someone is singing because she has learned to read in a mission school. Someone is singing because he has been healed. The lonely have found a friend, the hungry are being fed, those in trouble have someone who cares. And because we are Jesus's followers we will continue listening for and responding to needs around us. Jesus works through people. We become the messengers who bring good news.

Music and Advent go together. Think of the much-loved carols and oratorios we enjoy. What glorious music we hear from choirs, organs, orchestras, or handbells. We can't keep silent. We have to sing.

For Reflection: What is my favorite music of the Advent or Christmas season?

A Prayer Seed:

Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme,
And speak some boundless thing,
The mighty works, or mightier name, of our eternal King.
Tell of His wondrous faithfulness and sound His power abroad;
Sing the sweet promise of His grace and our redeeming God.
Isaac Watts, 1707




Words of Welcome