O Root
“It is I, Jesus, . . . I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”
We have in our garden some beautiful yellow night-blooming primroses. They are interesting to watch as they begin to bloom at dusk. There is, however, a problem with them. They propagate by sending out runners from their roots. Many plants are like this. Springs of green come up beside the stumps of trees, a brave effort to replace the fallen growth.
Jesus, as a human being, is part of the heritage of Israel reaching back to Abraham. Here Jesus is described as a root coming from the family of Jesse, father of King David. Isaiah's message of promise created a climate of expectation and hope.
At the time of Jesus' birth, the Jewish people were still waiting for the Messiah, the new King David. Their Messianic king would free them from bondage to Rome. This root would grow into a healthy tree that would bear fruit. The new king would rule with wisdom and understanding. His character would be blameless, and his authority would be obvious.
Looking back with the benefit of hindsight, the Apostle Paul used the words of Isaiah to describe Jesus in Romans 15:12. "In him the Gentiles shall hope." Jesus guaranteed that the Revelation to John was true by recalling this picture from Isaiah. Jesus is the fulfillment of prophecy, the King of kings.
Reflection: From what roots has my Christian faith come?
Prayer Seed:
O Root of Jesse,
rising as a sign for all the peoples,
before you earthly rulers will keep silent,
and nations give you honor:
come quickly to deliver us.
The O Antiphons