O Wisdom
“We proclaim Christ crucified . . . the power of God and the wisdom of God. ”
An antiphon is "a psalm, anthem, or verse sung responsively as part of a liturgy." The Song of Mary is used in this way during the service of Vespers or Evening prayer with various responses. During Advent from December 17-23 the "O Antiphons," ancient texts, are sung or chanted preceding The Magnificat. Each antiphon gives Christ a different title.
According to Paul, the gospel, the coming of Christ, is God's demonstration of power and wisdom. Only the Spirit of God can help us understand the message. A cross does not appear to the unknowing as either a source of power or a revelation of wisdom. Yet it is the way to the highest knowledge of God, the way of salvation. This is the only spiritual understanding that lasts.
Through Christ we receive treasures of wisdom. We may not be learned by the world's standards. We may not have academic degrees or certificates of merit. But we can receive Christ, the Wisdom of God. Only as we follow and learn from Jesus do we understand life as it is meant to be. Then, we, too, proclaim the power and wisdom of God, Christ Crucified.
For Reflection: What aspect of Christ's life most clearly displays the Wisdom of God for me?
A Prayer Seed:
O Wisdom,
coming forth from the mouth of the Most High,
pervading and permeating all creation,
you order all things with strength and gentleness:
come now and teach us the way to salvation.
The O Antiphons