About Peer Pressure

But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the royal rations...
— Daniel 1:8 (NSRV)

No Christian can avoid the feeling that we live in a culture that does not follow Christian teachings and ideals. The pressure to conform is sometimes subtle, sometimes strong, depending on where we live and work. The lowering of moral standards and the growth of materialistic values create an environment where practicing Christian faith is difficult.

The important point in this story is not the inevitability of temptations to water down our faith. It is the response of the young men to the offer of favor and promotion. They refused to ignore the ritual laws of food and drink which set them apart from the Babylonians. They refused to lower their standards.

We are tempted to compromise our faith in many ways. We shade the truth. We steal from our employers by taking office supplies or wasting time. We overlook questionable business practices. We tolerate dirty jokes or racial slurs. We drink a few too many drinks in an effort to be sociable. in short, we live in a way that denies the presence in our lives of Jesus.

The story of these four young men reminds us that there is another way to respond to the pressures of society.

For Reflection: What pressures do I feel to lower my standards?

A Prayer Seed:

I would be true, for there are those who trust me;
I would be pure, for there are those who care.
I would be strong, for there is much to suffer.
I would be brave, for there is much to dare.
Howard A. Walter, 1907


About True Wisdom