Make Me Curious

Reading: Luke 2:41-51

They found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.
— Luke 2:46 NRSV

A child is curious about the world and very receptive to new ideas. Christianity is a new idea, unique among the religions of the world. “Love your enemies.” “Love one another just as much as I love you.” “I did not come to be served, but to serve.”

It is important for us as Christian adults to keep our minds open and growing. There are relatively few adults who are still curious. Thinking we have all the answers, we are satisfied with the status quo. A closed mind never learns anything.

Much of Jesus’ most memorable teaching came as a result of questions. “How can a man be born when he is old?” Which is the greatest commandment?” “Who is my neighbor?” “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Questioning which looks for new understanding is the path to spiritual growth.

If you never come to the worship service with a spirit of curiosity and openness as to what God might want to do through you or with you, if you haven’t questioned anything about your faith, or changed any of your ideas in the past ten years, you need to cultivate child-like curiosity.

For Reflection: Is my mind open to new learning from God?

A Prayer Seed:

Come with an open mind, come thru each door with humbleness,
Treat each new thought as a spark of holy light.
Even if you’re satisfied, proud and wise and dignified.
Come ready to open up your eyes, ready to learn and be surprised,
For of such is the kingdom.
Taken from Come as a Child by Richard Avery & Donald Marsh
Copyright 1971 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, IL, 60188
Used by permission.


Come As a Child


Make Me Honest