1. Given by God
Reading: Genesis 2:15-17
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.”
What is one of the first things we ask a new acquaintance? “What do you do?” It is assumed we all have some kind of occupation. My own work experience began at age 15 as a helper at the public library. Each job has added to my knowledge, brought me new friends, and provided an opportunity to be of service.
Whether we see work as a gift or a curse may depend upon our point of view at the moment. Most of us, however, would admit that life with nothing to do can be a burden. This is why many people have difficulty adjusting to retirement.
God must have recognized the importance of work. Part of the original provision for human beings was useful labor to be performed. Work was intended to be a gift, a joy. The joy comes from knowing we are contributing something to God’s world.
It was only after sin entered the world that tilling the earth became a chore. It is not the work itself which is a curse; it is sin which makes it a drudgery. We surely know this from our own experience. We can make work a blessing for ourselves and others, or a curse for everyone. Whatever your work, ask God to bless it as your contribution to the world.
For Reflection: How is my work contributing to God’s world?
A Prayer Seed
Not I, but Christ, in lowly, silent labor;
Not I, but Christ, in humble, earnest toil;
Christ, only Christ! no show, no ostentation!
Christ, none but Christ, the gather’r of the spoil.
Ada A Whiddington, c. 1880