At the Cross

Reading: Mark 15:21-41

It was nine o’clock in the morning when they crucified him.
— Mark 15:25 NRSV

At the cross of Jesus God’s justice and holiness intersect with God’s love and forgiveness. Nowhere else can we see so clearly that God takes our sin and separation seriously.

Mark tells us about a number of people who were at the cross. When Jesus stumbled, carrying the cross, Simon of Cyrene was drafted to carry it. Simon was a pilgrim observing the Passover, but this experience changed his life. Mark mentions Simon’s sons who evidently were Christian leaders for the early church. Two robbers were crucified with Jesus, one on either side. Jesus is always identified with sinners.

The crowd around the cross included the usual on-lookers, as well as religious leaders. They all mocked him, throwing up to him some of his teachings about himself. They did not understand the basic truth of their words. “He saved others, himself he cannot save.”

There was also a Roman centurion at the cross. He had probably witnessed dozens of crucifixions. He was used to violent death on the battlefield. This dying man touched a chord in the Roman’s heart and he recognized the Son of God.

Although Jesus’ disciples had run away, the faithful women were there at the cross. They wanted to follow Jesus’ body to its burial place in order to perform one last act of love.

For Reflection: Am I at the cross? With whom do I identify?

Prayer Seed:

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?
Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
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