Ash Wednesday
Reading: Amos 5:6-15
“Seek good and not evil, that you may live.”
Ashes made from palm leaves from the previous year’s Palm Sunday observance are blessed and used to mark the foreheads of many Christians on this first day of Lent. Sackcloth and ashes are an ancient sign of repentance as the direction of life is changed from self toward God.
Amos, the prophet from Tekoa, brought a message concerning the need for repentance in Israel in the 8th century before Christ. in today’s reading Amos points out the need to seek the Lord. The people were guilty of immoral and unjust activities. What we believe is always demonstrated by our actions, not our words. The true feelings of the Israelites about justice were revealed in the city gates where cases were decided by the elders. The poor were oppressed. Bribes got the guilty declared innocent. And those who knew it was wrong kept silent.
In contrast to their evil, Amos describes the great God, the Creator of the Pleiades of the heavens, as well as the rains of the earth. This is a God who can change the history of nations and of individuals.
Just as Amos encouraged the people of Israel, we are urged “to seek good and not evil.” Lent is not about giving up some pleasure we don’t need. It is about giving up wrong attitudes and practices. Lent is a time to change direction.
For Reflection: What attitudes and practices do I need to subtract from my life?
A Prayer Seed:
Each heart is manifest to Thee;
Thou knowest our infirmity;
Now we reprint and seek Thy face;
Grant unto us Thy pardoning grace.
Gregory the Great (540-604)