What is Lent?
Reading: Hebrews 3:1-10, 16-18
“We are his house if we hold firm the confidence and the pride that belong to hope.”
Lent is the period of forty days, not counting Sunday, which precedes Easter. Christians have not always been unanimous in their observance of Lent. Even among those who observe the season there is a difference of opinion. Is Lent a time to give up something or to put something back into our lives? During the next six weeks, we will be discovering some ways to enrich life during Lent.
The write to the Hebrews suggests two attitudes we should develop during Lent. One is obedience. The other is faithfulness.
Two examples are given for our instruction. The first is Moses, “God’s faithful and obedient servant.” Moses has a unique place in the story of God’s people because to him were given the Ten Commandments. God spoke directly to Moses. Here is someone to follow during Lent.
Even greater is the second example, Jesus Christ. We are encouraged to fix our attention on him. Just as Jesus faithfully traveled the road to Calvary, we are to follow him, learning as we go.
Lent is a time to hold firm, to learn, to follow, and to grow. No practice, whether adding or subtracting, which does not further these goals should be observed during Lent.
For Reflection: How am I going to observe Lent?
A Prayer Seed:
Then grant that we like them be true,
Consumed in fast and prayer with You;
Our spirits strengthen with Your grace,
And give us joy to see Your face.
Gregory the Great (540-604)