O Ruler of the Nations
“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign forever and ever.”
Who can read these words without hearing Handel's powerful music from the Hallelujah Chorus to accompany them?
"Gentle Jesus, meek and mild," has become the Ruler of the Nations. Psalm 2:2 speaks of kings and rulers taking counsel together against the Lord's anointed. Here the tables are turned. The Messiah will reign forever and ever.
The 24 elders representing the whole church break forth with a song of thanksgiving following the angel's announcement. The prayers of the faithful, "Thy kingdom come," have been answered. In that kingdom, justice will prevail. The enemies of God will be destroyed. Faithful servants will be rewarded.
Not only individuals, but history, will be redeemed. Only God can truly rule. We make feeble attempts to reign in our little kingdoms, but they never succeed.
There is another message. Christ is the Ruler of the Nations, not of one particular nation. We do not have exclusive rights to the king. All of the countries of this world are included in the promise.
Reflection: Do I see Jesus as the Savior of an exclusive few, or, of everyone?
Prayer Seed:
O Ruler of the nations,
Monarch of whom the people long,
you are the Cornerstone uniting all humanity:
come, save us all, whom you formed out of clay.
The O Antiphons