About God’s Kingdom
“. . . the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed . . .”
Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream indicates that a series of nations and kingdoms will follow the Babylonian ruler. Beginning with the golden head representing Nebuchadnezzar and moving down to the feet, each empire will be inferior to the one preceding it. At last, there will come a kingdom that cannot be destroyed.
The Kingdom of God, preached by Jesus during the Roman Empire, was not the political deliverance hoped for by the Jews of Danile’s time. Jesus promised a day when the Kingdom would come in power. There will be an end to time and a judgment. God’s rule on earth will be recognized. While we wait for the future revelation of God’s purpose in history, we take comfort in the knowledge of final victory.
We spend millions of dollars on election campaigns. Monarchs worry about succession. God rules a kingdom, not of might and power, but of love and mercy. It is a God-made kingdom, not one created by human strength and intelligence.
“At the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.” (Philippians 2:10)
For Reflection: Who rules my life?
A Prayer Seed:
God, our Lord, a King remaining,
Robed in majesty and light:
You have robed yourself, and reigning,
Clothed Yourself with power and might.
God our King in depth and height!
John Keble, 1839