About Prayer

Then Daniel . . . told them to seek mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that Daniel and his companions . . . would not perish.
— Daniel 2:17-18 (NSRV)

The hymn writer tells us that “prayer is the Christian’s native air.” Prayer was certainly important to Daniel. He and his friends demonstrated the importance of intercessory prayer. They prayed for a particular thing - that Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and its interpretation would be revealed to Daniel.

We need to be specific in our requests too. We should pray for individuals by name, for real needs and situations. Rather than praying “forgive my sins,” it would be more meaningful to name them. Being definite helps us focus our prayers.

This passage also contains another kind of prayer, thanksgiving. When the dream and its interpretation were revealed to Daniel, he immediately expressed his thanks to God, the give. God’s holiness, wisdom, and might are reasons for praise. We receive daily mercies for which we also should be grateful: a new day, something useful to do, health and strength, someone to love and cherish. How often do we give thanks?

Perhaps our prayer life would be more satisfying if we were clearer in expressing our needs. When we receive God’s blessings we should offer our gratitude.

For Reflection: What is the content of most of my prayers?

A Prayer Seed:

Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire,
Unuttered or expressed;
The motion of a hidden fire
That trembles in the breast.
James Montgomery, 1818


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