A New Way of Life
Reading: Hebrews 10:19-25
“We have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us . . . ”
The songwriters, Avery and Marsh, remind us that:
“Every morning is Easter morning from now on!
Ev’ry day’s resurrection day, the past is over and gone!
Easter tells us that we can put the past behind us. We can be finished with guilt and fear, with failed projects and useless activities to win God’s favor. We don’t need to waste today on regrets about things that cannot be changed.
Christ’s resurrection demonstrates God’s power to bring new life. With new life come new possibilities. Through the death and resurrection of Christ, we have a new way of access to the presence of God. It is God’s gift to us that we can come before God with a clean slate, a clear conscience.
Because we have new possibilities, we also have new responsibilities. We need to hold on to our faith and hope in the face of temptations, doubts, and discouragement which come to us every day.
We also need to demonstrate our faith through the way in which we treat others. The love which we are to show toward all people is best encouraged as Christians meet together in community with fellow believers.
For Reflection: What is the best thing about Easter for me?
Prayer Seed:
Goodbye guilt, goodbye fear, good riddance.
Hello Lord, Hello sun!
I am one of the Easter People!
My new life has begun!
Taken from Every Morning is Easter Morning by Richard Avery and Donald Marsh.
Copyright 1972 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, IL 60188. Used by Permission.