He Lives
Reading: Matthew 28:1-10
“He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said.”
We do not worship a dead God or a pleasant memory. We follow a Risen Savior who leads us into the world. How do we know Jesus is living?
Jesus lives in the Church, which we call the Body of Christ. For nearly 2,000 years the church has been the vote, the hands, the feet which have carried the message of God’s love, mercy, and grace. From a group of eleven frightened men, the church has grown to nearly two billion today, in addition to millions of other believers throughout history. Dead men and memories do not inspire the kind of growth and persistence this demonstrates.
Jesus lives in the “hand of mercy” extended to those in need. The Christian Church has changed society throughout the world. Hospitals, schools, orphanages, abolition of slavery, child labor laws — these are just a few examples of the work of Christ.
Jesus walks beside us every day, leading, encouraging, teaching, comforting. His presence is felt by those on beds of pain. It is also felt in times of joy: weddings, baptisms, and graduations.
For Reflection: What, for me, is the best evidence that Jesus is alive?
Prayer Seed:
He lives to bless me with His love,
And still He pleads for me above;
He lives to raise me from the grave,
And me eternally to save.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Samuel Medley, 1775