Hearing Jesus: A Word of Invitation

Reading: Matthew 11:25-30

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Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
— Matthew 11:28

Sometimes we need a word of challenge to inspire and encourage us. Other times we want the promise of rest and refreshment. Jesus offers both.

Our world has many who are carrying burdens. Some are filled with sin and guilt. Others are sorrowful. Many are sick in mind and body. Poverty, hunger, and oppression weigh down thousands. Trying to find God through obedience to laws or “being good” places even heavier burdens on us.

Jesus’ word of invitation opens the way for all of these to come to Him. Jesus knows about bearing burdens. He is our suffering servant who has carried the sins of the world. Jesus knows what it is to be poor and hungry. He suffered physically and died on the cross. He understands every hurt and discouragement we experience.

Jesus does not offer to take away all our problems. What he does give us is a new way of carrying them. With his yoke there is someone to lighten the load; someone to help carry it.

Our physical burdens may never disappear, but Jesus promises relief for our spirits. The knowledge that God loves us will make life easier because loving and being loved makes our hearts glad and our troubles light.

For Reflection: With what heavy burden do I need Jesus’ help?

Prayer Seed:

“Come unto Me, ye weary, And I will give you rest.”
O blessed voice of Jesus, which comes to hearts oppressed!
It tells of benediction, of pardon, grace, and peace,
Of joy that hath no ending, of love which cannot cease.
William C. Dix, 1867


Hearing Jesus: A Challenge


Hearing Jesus: Watch Your Tongue