Hearing Jesus: A Challenge
Reading: Matthew 10:34-39
“Whoever does not take up the cross and follow me is not worthy of me.”
Years ago a high school friend from my church became a missionary. Her family, only nominal Christians, could not understand or sympathize with her faith. They cut off communication with her.
Jesus warned us that following him might lead to just such divisions. To become a Christian is a decision that should be carefully considered. It is a lifestyle change that may alienate family or friends.
Priorities must be clear. We fool ourselves into believing we are really living because we are having fun or prospering materially. Jesus warned us that these things do not last. Our relationship with him is permanent. The choice is ours.
Suffering may accompany our commitment to Jesus. For some of us, it is only being ridiculed or ignored. Others may experience physical torture or pain. A few will lose their earthly lives.
Through all of this word of challenge and warning, there is a word of promise as well. Anything we do for the humblest of society will be received as though it had been done for Jesus. Those who are faithful will experience life in new ways beyond their imagination.
For Reflection: Have I confused Christianity with the “American way of life?”
Prayer Seed:
Take up your cross, then in Christ’s strength,
And calmly every danger brave;
It guides you to abundant life
And leads to victory o’er the grave.
Charles William Everest, 1833