Hearing Jesus: On Prayer
Reading: Matthew 6:5-15
“When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases . . .”
Lent is a time for hearing Jesus’ own words as recorded by Matthew. Sometimes we need to return to the plain truth as stated by our Lord. There are so many interpretations offered that we get too far from the original messages.
Prayer is an essential part of our Christian life. In these verses Jesus teaches us that prayer is to be offered to God, not to seek the approval of others. The length of our prayers and the number of syllables in the words we use have nothing to do with our sincerity.
The focus of our words is God. The simple words of the model prayer Jesus taught his disciples are addressed to God. They cover our relationship with God and with others. They express our needs, both physical and spiritual. These short phrases leave no doubt about who is in control of our world.
Jesus taught us that we can all pray. We do not need elegant words or elaborate forms. There is no need to be in a special place. God is everywhere. We are to pray from the heart, looking to God and trusting God’s love.
For Reflection: What have I learned from Jesus about prayer?
Prayer Seed:
Approach, my soul, the mercy seat,
Where Jesus answers prayer;
There humbly fall before His feet,
For none can perish there.
Thy promise is my only plea,
With this I venture nigh;
Thou callest burdened souls to Thee,
And such O Lord, am I.
John Newton, 1779