Hearing Jesus: About Forgiveness

Reading: Matthew 9:2-8

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Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.
— Matthew 9:2b NRSV

Four friends brought a paralyzed man to Jesus for healing. They had to remove part of the roof and lower their friend into a crowded house. We do not read anything about the faith of the sick man, but surely his friends trusted Jesus completely. They believed he had healing power.

Jesus, with his ability to see each person’s real need, went directly to the heart of the problem. The paralyzed man was in need of forgiveness. We do not know whether the sin and sickness were connected. Sometimes they are. Jesus made it clear that the sin was of first importance.

The religious authorities questioned Jesus’ right to forgive sins. This was blasphemy against God in their eyes. Not only that right, but also Jesus’ power and authority, were demonstrated by the physical healing of the man.

Jesus’ word to us in the season of Lent is that we, too, can “take heart.” We can receive hope and new life because our sins are forgiven. Whatever hurt for past wrongs against us, whatever guilt for harm to others, whatever fear of being found less than perfect we are harboring, all can be forgiven.

We are never truly healthy until both body and soul are well.

For Reflection: Have I heard Jesus’ word, “take heart?”

Prayer Seed:

Bowed down beneath a load of sin,
By Satan sorely pressed,
By war without and fears within,
I come to Thee for rest.
John Newton, 1778


Hearing Jesus: On Prayer


Hearing Jesus: A Challenge