7. Service to Others

Reading: John 13:1-20

If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.
— John 13:14 (NRSV)

Jesus performed the menial service of a lowly servant on the night of his betrayal, knowing that he would soon return to glory and power. He gave the disciples a visible demonstration of his love. At the same time, they received an example of service to others.

Every disciple should be ready and willing to perform whatever service is needed by another person. If Jesus, the Teacher and Lord, is not above washing someone's feet, how dare we decide that certain work is beneath us? We are not exempt from performing whatever tasks come to us. Each of us becomes a love letter to another.

Jesus did not exclude any disciple, not even Judas, from his demonstration of loving service. Surely this example cleansed the hearts of the eleven from the envy and bitterness of their earlier discussion on greatness. Imagine the feelings of Judas, knowing he planned to betray this man who had just lovingly washed his feet!

One of the strongest memories in the minds of the disciples in later years must have been the picture of Jesus, kneeling with basin and towel to wash their feet. Let us join him in becoming love letters from God to a needy world.

For Reflection: How far will I go to demonstrate my love?

A Prayer Seed:

Not for myself alone may my prayer be;
Lift Thou Thy world, O Christ, closer to Thee:
Cleanse it from guilt and wrong; teach it salvation's song,
Till earth, as heaven, fulfill God's holy will.
Lucy Larcom, 1892


6. The Church