6. The Church

He . . . has made him the head over all things for the church, which is his body.
— Ephesians 1:22b-23a (NRSV)

One of God's love letters to the world is the church, the body of Christ. The church is a living organism with Christ as the head, the source of life. This is God's creation for carrying on God's work in the world.

Jesus Christ uses the church as the means for accomplishing his work today. Whenever members of Christ's body care for one another they are living love letters from God. We are involved with one another as closely as parts of a body.

Just as a human body develops and grows, so the body of Christ grows in love and understanding. In this passage, Paul prayed that greater understanding might be given to us so that we know God better every day. We share our concern and God's love with those who are in need. The closer we come to the example of Christ, the clearer becomes our message of love to the world.

The church is precious to God. Christ died for the church because the church is so important to God. God is counting on us to share God's love with the world.

For Reflection: Where am I sharing God's love through the church?

A Prayer Seed:

Christ is made the sure Foundation,
Christ the Head and Cornerstone,
Chosen of the Lord and precious,
Binding all the Church in one;
Holy Zion's help forever,
And her confidence alone.
Latin, 7th century, Translated by John Mason North, 1851


5. Jesus


7. Service to Others