3. The Bible
Reading: Psalm 119:97-112
“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.”
Photo by Alabaster Co on Unsplash
At least one of God's love letters is written down for our daily use. We can read and re-read the messages as we are reminded of God's constant concern.
We know from whom a love letter comes. God's Word, the Bible, is very clear as to its source. God, the Creator and Sustainer of the world, wants to cultivate a relationship with each of us. The Bible tells us of God's love and shows us how to be God's people.
This is a love letter because it declares over and over that God is for us. God wants to provide everything for us that will make life happy and joyful. By following God's commandments for living in relationship with God and others, we enrich life.
God's love letter tells us that we are always in God's thoughts. This is not a lover who has gone to a distant place, forgetting the one left behind. These are the words of One whose every effort is spent in loving us. We will never drift out of that love and concern.
On our journey through life, we have daily reminders of the love which lights even the dark places. If we read God's love letter, the Bible, we can walk with new vitality knowing that we do not walk alone.
For Reflection: Which Bible passage is my favorite love letter from God?
A Prayer Seed:
Father of mercies, in Thy Word what endless glory shines;
Forever be Thy name adored for these celestial lines.
Anne Steele, 1760