4. Children

Reading: Psalm 78:1-8

So that they should set their hope in God.
— Psalm 78:7 (NRSV)

Children are our link with the past. It is through our children that we continue to story of God's love for us. Sharing our accounts of God's providence and care provides a continuing memory of God's activity on our behalf. Children carry the genetic markers of long-ago ancestors, connecting us to them.

Children are also our link with the future. Each new baby is a reminder that God continues to love and nourish the people of the world. A baby is a gift of love with the promise of hope for tomorrow.

Each infant comes with a unique personality, and with special gifts to be used in the service of God. Every baby is a love letter from God to assure us of continual new life and new possibilities.

Children share their unique gifts to enrich our lives. Trusting natures, curious minds, and sunny smiles are among the ways God's love is communicated to us by the children we meet.

As long as there are little ones in our midst we will continue to set our hope in God.

For Reflection: What love letter have I received from a child?

A Prayer Seed:

We will not from their children hide
Jehovah's worthy praise,
But tell the greatness of His strength,
His wondrous works and ways.
He willed that each succeeding race
His deeds might learn and know,
That children's children to their sons
Might all these wonders show.
The Psalter, 1912


3. The Bible


5. Jesus