
Messages of Snow

  1. Gifts of Beauty

All beautiful the march of days,
As seasons come and go,
The Hand that shaped
the rose hath wrought
The crystal of the snow,
Hath sent the hoary frost of heaven,
The flowing waters sealed,
And laid a silent loveliness
On hill and wood and field.
Frances Whitmarsh Wile, 1911

Reading: Job 38:22-30

Have you entered the storehouses of the snow . . . ?
— Job 38:22 (NRSV)

Depending on one's age, snow is seen as either blessing or curse. Children love big snow storms which cause school to be canceled and offer opportunities for snowmen, sledding, or skiing. Adults often see snow as a nuisance that makes driving difficult or impossible. Snow is also an opportunity to consider new messages from God.

God, in speaking to Job, reminded him of many wonders of nature. God refers to storehouses of snow. This would imply that snow is saved for a time of need. This week we will consider some of the ways snow is a special gift from God, one of the varieties of blessings provided for us.

Snow is one of the wonders of nature, a creation of God. Winter, with its decreased sunlight, is often a dull and bleak time for us. We miss the bright colors of autumn and are impatient for the green leaves of spring. Soft white snow covers the dark earth, blanketing its defects and blotting out dormant grass and plants. Sun shining on the snow creates sparkling diamonds to brighten our lives. We need God's gift of beauty in the dark seasons of life.

For Reflection: Is snow a blessing or a curse for me?