
Messages of Snow
7. The Promise of New Life

O Thou from whose unfathomed law
The year in beauty flows,
Thyself the vision passing by
In crystal and in rose,
Day unto day doth utter speech,
And night to night proclaim,
In everchanging words of light,
The wonder of Thy name.
Frances Whitmarsh Wile, 1911

Reading: Isaiah 55:6-13

For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there until they have watered the earth, making it bring forth and sprout . . .
— Isaiah 55:10 (NRSV)

Some areas of our country depend almost entirely on melted snow to provide the necessary moisture for agriculture. The more snow in winter, the greater possibility for new life in spring. My husband's brother lives in Colorado, where snow melt provides the water for summer irrigation.

Snow cover also protects and nourishes many plants the flowering bulbs of spring are kept from premature growth and development by the snow. Unusually warm winters sometimes cause plants to develop early, reducing the flowering.

Isaiah told the people of Israel that God's word is like the snow. It waters our souls, bringing forth new life and growth. All of God's good gifts to us have a purpose. They are intended to be a blessing that bears fruit in our lives.

The cycle of the seasons is a sign of God's trustworthiness. Rain and snow will come regularly and water the earth. God's Word will water our lives. Seeking the messages of snow will bring the blessing of new life.

For Reflection: What message does snow have for me?