
Reading: Psalm 32

Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
— Psalm 32:1 NRSV

Accepting God’s gracious offer of atonement means that we can experience forgiveness. This Psalm is a song of gratitude expressed by a forgiven sinner. The writer uses three words to describe forgiveness. To be forgiven means to lift the burden of sin and guilt we have been carrying. To cover sin is to put it out of sight. Imputes no iniquity describes an accounting term. Our debt has been canceled.

No wonder the Psalmist is joyful. Carrying a weight of sin and guilt is exhausting. All of our energy is devoted to this burden. People have suffered physical illness because of their feelings of guilt and failure. To know that our sin is forgiven brings freedom and new life.

The Psalm writer, perhaps David, moves on to encourage others to share the joys of forgiveness. This is good news which can’t be kept for oneself. Those who want to have the burden of sin removed can ask God to do so. God’s forgiveness will restore us to God’s family.

Lent is a time for seeking forgiveness. It is a time for expressing gratitude for God’s gift of new life and new opportunities.

For Reflection: Am I trying to carry a burden of guilt that needs to be lifted?

Prayer Seed:

Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings and fears with, without,
O Lamb of God, I come!
Charlotte Elliott, 1834




Reconciliation with Others