Reconciliation with Others

Reading: Matthew 5:21-26

If you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, . . . first be reconciled to your brother or sister.
— Matthew 5:23b, 24a NSRV

“Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” The burden of guilt and shame cannot be entirely removed until we have confessed our sins to the persons we may have wronged. Certainly, some sins are only between us and God, but many involve wrong-doing toward others. We cannot be completely at peace with God if we still have a broken relationship with another person. True repentance seeks to repair sin’s effects.

Jesus went beyond the outward appearance to the intentions of the heart. Here he warns us that God cannot receive our offerings while we are estranged from others. Hidden envy, a snide remark, a pot to get even, all stand in the way of receiving God’s forgiveness.

Worship or prayer offered to God while nursing a spirit of bitterness toward others may never get farther than the ceiling of our room. If we have stolen something, we must make restitution. If our lies have destroyed a reputation, we must make every effort to speak the truth.

When we have done what is humanly possible to restore our relationships with others, then we can feel the burden of guilt and self-hatred lifted. Our worship can be centered on God.

For Reflection: Is there someone with whom I need to be reconciled?

Prayer Seed:

Let us love our God supremely,
Let us love each other too;
Let us love and pray for sinners
Till our God makes all things new.
George Atkins, 19th century



