3. A Sense of Worth

Yet you have made them a little lower than God, and crowned them with glory and honor.
— Psalm 8:5
Photo by Manouchehr Hejazi on Unsplash

If you have ever slept under the stars at night, you were impressed by their number and variety. The same Psalm which describes God’s greatness in creating the heavens goes on to say that mortals were made a little lower than God.

We are the highest created beings, special objects of God’s love and concern. This world was made for us. The sun gives light, heat, and energy. Fields, harvests, and animals are provided for food and clothing. Oceans and outer space are highways for travel. The unchanging laws of nature are for our convenience. The beauty of green hills, deserts, colorful birds, and flowers is for our enjoyment. God made all this for you and me.

Then Jesus Christ came to show us once again that we are important to God. Peter in his first letter said, “you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people.” (1 Peter 2:9).

There is no other person exactly like you. You are unique. Your particular combination of spiritual qualities, personality, intelligence, and talents will never be duplicated. Your presence on earth, your prayers, your work, your concern are important.

For Reflection: What is unique about me?

A Prayer Seed:

What are we that we should be
Loved and visited by Thee,
Raised to an exalted height,
Crowned with honor in Thy sight?
The Psalter, 1912


2. A Sense of the Presence of God


4. A Sense of Mission