5: A Sense of Responsibility

Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
— 1 Corinthians 15:58

Once we have found what we can do best for God, we must accept it with a sense of responsibility. If we agree to teach in Church School, we should spend the time necessary to prepare the lessons. Those who belong to a choir should attend rehearsals faithfully, and be in their places when the choir sings. If we agree to serve on a committee, we must attend the meetings and help with the work. All of us who use the world’s resources have a responsibility to treat them as a trust from God.

Yellowstone Park is a favorite of travelers. Although there are larger and more powerful geysers than Old Faithful, it is the best known because visitors can always count on seeing it.

There are people like Old Faithful. They are always dependable. They are the people who keep every organization going. They are the ones who have a sense of responsibility.

In Paul’s great chapter on the resurrection, he issued a challenge to us as Christians. If we have been given a certain hope and a place in God’s glorious kingdom, we must be faithful. Whatever duties or services we are attempting must be done responsibly. We are needed, and our efforts will not be in vain.

For Reflection: Is my Christian service done responsibly?

A Prayer Seed:

Awake, my soul, and with the sun your daily stage of duty run:
Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise to pay your morning sacrifice.
Thomas Ken, 1695


4. A Sense of Mission


6. A Sense of Humor