In the Temple Precincts
Reading: Matthew 21:12-14
“My house shall be called a house of prayer . . . ”
The actual Temple on Mount Zion in Jerusalem was a fairly small place. It contained the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. Around it were several courtyards for special purposes. The Court of the Gentiles was open to all. Only Israelites could go farther into the Court of the Women. Temple services were held in the Court of the Israelites. The altars of burnt-offering and incense were in the Court of the Priests, entered only by the priests.
When Jesus entered the Court of the Gentiles on Monday, he found a scene of chaos. Money-changers were converting secular money to temple money for the payment of the annual temple tax, charging exorbitantly for their services. Others were selling doves for the sacrifices offered by the poor. Temple inspectors seldom approved birds brought from home, finding some blemish which necessitated purchase from one of the temple sellers. Again, enormous profit was made.
Jesus was angry at the exploitation of the common people in order to provide additional profits for the rich. He also saw that those Gentiles who wanted a place to pray could find no quiet area. Jesus acted in defense of God’s holiness and honor. Jesus is Lord of the Temple.
For Reflection: What can I do to make God’s House a place of prayer for others?
Prayer Seed:
Within His hour, the house of prayer,
My soul shall bless the Lord,
And praises to His holy name
Let all His saints accord.
The Psalter, 1912